Thursday, October 29, 2009

0005 - The Squeeze Put on the Art of Arabbing

In continuing my research, I found that the art of arabbing in Baltimore goes back to at least the early 1800's. The use of a horse and wagon during that time played a major role in the delivery of wood, coal, ice, milk, food and almost everything else to many people that were not able to get around the city. This was a type of entrepreneuralism that Baltimore residents relied on daily.

In 1966, a decline in arabbing began due to government regulations, urban renewal projects, and animal rights activists. With the growth of Baltimore becoming a major focus, the arabbers were starting to be pressured from all sides because of how they earned a living with the use of horses and the way it was being viewed in Baltimore. The arabbers struggles gained attention and that eventually lead to the creation of the Arabbers Preservation Society to help them save a diminishing piece of Baltimore history.

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